A, the primary sequences of IS4-S5, IIS4-S5, IIIS4-S5, and IVS4-S5 of CaV3.2 were aligned with S4-S5 of NaVAb, NaVRh, KV1.2, and S4-S5 in domain II of CaV2.3 using the T-coffee algorithm. Underlined residues have been identified in previous studies as modulating the channel activation gating; Leu-123 in NaVAb and Leu-596 in CaV2.3. The sequence of residues underlined in CaV3.2 designate the residues studied herein. B, bar graphs of the activation energies (ΔΔGact) for the glycine mutants in IIS4-S5 of CaV3.2; ΔΔGact = ΔGact,mut − ΔGact,WT. V907G activated at significantly more negative voltages than the WT channel with a ΔΔGact = −3.3 ± 0.8 kcal mol−1 (n = 11). The complete sets of numerical values are found in Table 2.