Figure 1. ICP4 molecules used in this study.
(A) An affinity purification tag (TAP) was appended to amino acid 1 of the 1294 and 774 amino acid wild-type (wt) KOS and n208 molecules in the HSV genome. Also shown are regions involved in DNA binding, transactivation and nuclear localization. (B) Silver stain analysis of TAP-wtICP4 containing complexes. Samples were purified at 6 hpi using either wtICP4 (KOS) or TAP-wtICP4 (TAP-ICP4) expressing viruses. Nuclear extracts (NE) were loaded onto a streptavidin column and the affinity purified ICP4 was eluted from the streptavidin beads in three separate elutions (E1, E2, and E3). The resulting proteins were separated via SDS-PAGE and visualized by silver stain. Molecular weight standards are shown to the left (L).