Fig. 1.
Low magnification images showing the distribution and density of immunofluorescence labelling for Cx36 in vestibular nuclei of adult rat. Images in the left column show labelling for Cx36 alone (red), and corresponding images in the right column show the same field, with red overlay on fluorescence Nissl counterstaining (green). (A1,A2) The caudal portion of the spinal vestibular nucleus (SpVN). (B1,B2) The caudal portion of the lateral vestibular nucleus (LVN). (C1,C2) The medial vestibular nucleus (MVN), mid-level of the LVN, and caudal portion of the superior vestibular nucleus (SuVN), with boundaries between nuclei shown by dotted lines. (D1,D2) The rostral portion of the SuVN. Labelling for Cx36 is densely distributed in most regions of the SpVN, the LVN and the MVN magnocellular part (MVNmc), and moderately in the SuVN. Cx36 immunofluorescence is often associated with neuronal somata (arrows), diminishes in density towards the MVN parvicellular part (C2, MVNpc), and is mostly absent among a collection of large neuronal cell bodies (B2, arrowheads) in the dorsal half of the caudal LVN (B2, upper half of field shown).