Figure 1.
Custom Cornea Holder. Side View (Top) and Top View (Bottom) of the Human Cornea in Custom Corneal Holder for AFM Testing. A human cornea (stained with 0.4% trypan blue for illustration purposes) is placed in the custom corneal holder during AFM testing. A human cornea (stained with 0.4% trypan blue for illustration purposes) was excised within the sclera beyond the limbus and was mounted onto the base of a custom cornea holder. The holder is comprised of a spherical protrusion that has a radius of curvature matching that of the cornea. The cornea was secured onto the spherical base with the holder's anchoring top that contains a hole to expose the central region of cornea for mechanical testing. This holder enables sturdy anchoring of an intact cornea, maintenance of corneal curvature, and the filling of 15% Dextran solution for proper corneal hydration during AFM testing.