Figure 2.
Characterization of YS cell sub-populations based on Eng and Flk-1 expression. (A) Representative FACS profiles for endoglin (x axis) and Flk-1 (y axis) are shown for each developmental stage. (B) E+F+ (red gate) and E+F− (blue gate) cell fractions gated in (A) were then analyzed for the presence of hematopoietic (upper panels) and endothelial (lower panels) markers. Grey and back bars represent average percentage of cells expressing a given surface marker at E8.5 and E9.5, respectively. Error bars represent SEM from at least 2 independent experiments. (C) Confocal images of E8.5 (upper panel) and 9.5 (lower panel) yolk sacs show staining for Eng (red) and Flk-1 (green), and merge for Eng and Flk-1 (yellow) (40x objective). DAPI is shown in blue. Endoglin together with Flk-1 is strongly expressed in all endothelial cells (arrows) present in the blood island. Some Eng+Flk-1− cells are also observed in the blood island (arrowhead in E8.5).