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. 2013 Oct 14;8(10):e75982. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0075982

Table 2. Effect of I148M PNPLA3 variant on clinical presentation of HCC according to the etiology of liver disease (ALD & NAFLD vs. other etiologies).

ALD & NAFLD Other liver diseases
PNPLA3 I148M I/I I/M M/M p value° I/I I/M M/M p value°
n =  22 (20) 47 (44) 39 (36) - 172 (49) 140 (40) 40 (11) -
Age years 67±7 64±9 62±6 0.018 67±10 65±10 67±9 0.18
Sex F 4 (18) 8 (17) 3 (8) 0.37 36 (21) 37 (26) 9 (22) 0.59
Time from cirrhosis years 2 {1–7} 2 {0–6} 2 {0–3} 0.05 5{1–10} 4 {1–11} 5{2–12} 0.26
Diabetes 10 (45) 16 (34) 17 (44) 0.55 45 (34) 22 (29) 8 (28) 0.42
Cirrhosis 20 (91) 44 (94) 36 (92) 0.92 164 (96) 139 (99) 39 (98) 0.17
Child B/C 12 (55) 11 (23) 12 (31) 0.035 29 (16) 39 (42) 7 (18) 0.86
Lesion number* 1 {1–2} 1 {1–2.8} 1 {1–3.5} 0.007 1{1–2} 1{1–2} 1{1–3} 0.98
Major lesion mm* 20 {20–44} 25 {18–45} 30 {20–62} 0.32 25{18–30} 25 {20–40} 28 {18–36} 0.56
Very earlyHCC* 8 (38) 12 (30) 10 (27) 0.39 45 (32) 24 (29) 9 (31) 0.89
AdvancedHCC** 14 (64) 19 (45) 27 (67) 0.07 71 (45) 70 (59) 14 (42) 0.36

(): % values, {}: median and interquartile range. HCC: hepatocellular carcinoma, ALD: alcoholic liver disease, NAFLD: nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, F: female, PNPLA3: patatin-like phosholipase domain-containing 3. °Additive model. * Available in 353 patients, ** available in 413 patients. Very early HCC and advanced / terminal HCC were defined according to the updated Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer (BCLC) staging system and EASL/EORTC guidelines [1].