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. 2013 Oct 14;8(10):e76806. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0076806

Table 2. Phenotype description for case only study in skeletally matured patients with non-progressive (NP-IS), slowly progressive (SP-IS) and rapidly progressive (RP-IS) idiopathic scoliosis.

cases N = 253
phenotype subgroups NP-IS SP-IS RP-IS
N = 93 N = 104 N = 56
age range (years) 16–52 16–59 12–54
Risser 4 or 5 4 or 5 all
skeletal maturity yes yes no
back deformity idiopathic scoliosis (rib hump) idiopathic scoliosis (rib hump) idiopathic scoliosis (rib hump)
curve pattern all all all
Cobb angle at final visit (range) 10°–30° 30°–65° 35°–114°
Cobb angle at final visit (mean ±SD) 23.3°±5.6° 40.3°±9.2° 69.5°±19.2°
progression rate in degrees per month (range) NA 0.04°–0.95° 1.0°–3.2°

NA – non applicable.