Figure 4. Hemolysis markers correlate poorly with peak MCP-1 levels.
Pearson correlations (black lines) and segmental linear regression constraining the PTR at 100% (gray lines) were used to determine the relationships between the 2-hour post-transfusion RBC recovery and the (A) increases in total bilirubin at 2 hours post-transfusion, (B) increases in non-transferrin-bound iron at 2 hours post-transfusion, and (C) peak increases in MCP-1 at 6 hours post-transfusion. (D) Pearson correlations were used to determine the relationships between the fHb in the RBC unit supernatant pre-transfusion and the peak increase in MCP-1 at 6 hours post-transfusion. The P value for the segmental linear regression models is the result of an extra sum-of-squares F test to compare the goodness of fit of the segmental model to a horizontal line. Dotted lines represent 95% confidence intervals.