FoxO3a is required for SirT1-induction of antioxidant genes. (A, B) BAEC were first infected o/n with Ad-SirT1 or a control adenovirus, 36 h later cells were infected o/n with Ad-shFoxO3a or a control adenovirus and finally serum deprived for 8 h. Expression levels of ROS detoxification genes were determined by qRT-PCR (A) and Western Blot (B). (*) p≤0.05 versus control. (C, D) BAEC whole cell extracts were subjected to immunoprecipitation (IP) with a specific FoxO3a (C) or anti-HA (D) antibody or normal rabbit IgG, as a control, and analyzed by western blot as indicated. Input indicates a 1/10 of whole cell extract not subjected to immunoprecipitation. (C) BAEC were treated with 10 mM nicotinamide for 15 h (D) BAEC were coinfected o/n with Ad-SirT1 and Ad-FoxO3a-WT. 24 h postinfection the cells were serum deprived o/n, and then treated for 4 h with 50 μM H2O2 or vehicle (E) Confluent BAEC were grown in galactose media in the absence of serum for 48 h. Whole cell extracts were subjected to immunoprecipitation (IP) with a specific FoxO3a or SirT1 antibody or normal IgG, as a control, and analyzed by western blot as indicated. Data are from ≥3 independent experiments. Data are means+SD (*) p≤0.05 versus control. The blots presented correspond to a representative experiment.