Table 3.
Arrow form* | Description |
{X → X, Diffusion[PI, PO]} | Diffusion of X through the tissue. PI is the permeability of internal cell walls; the optional PO is the permeability of tissue boundary cell walls. Each may be specified as f[i, j, k] where i, j, k are cell and wall indices. |
{X → X, Transport[fout, fin]} | Controlled transport of X across the cell wall. |
{X ↦ Y, IGRN[v, T, n, h]} | |
{cell → cell, Grow[…]} | Specification of cell growth parameters: Pressure, growth rate, spring constant. |
{cell → cell + cell, model[…]} | Specification of cell division model and parameters. |
Except for the IGRN the arrows here are longer versions of the right-pointing arrows used by the canonical Cellerator mass-action expansion.