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. 2013 Aug 30;8(8):e71810. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0071810

Table 4. Definitions of Albuminuria, eGFR categories and Outcomes.

Author Urine measurement methoda Definition of microalbuminuria Definition of macroalbuminuria Definition of any level of albuminuria eGFR categories Criteria of renal failure Criteria of CV mortality Definition of CV diseaseb
Jager [15] ACR >2.0 mg/mmol ICD code 390–459 Heart/Brain
O’Hare [16] ACR 30–299 mg/gCr ≥300 mg/gCr
Grauslund [17] spot 30–299 mg/L ≥300 mg/L ICD-9 codes 430.0–438.9ICD-10 codes I20.0–I25.9, I60.0–I60.9 Heart/Brain
Molitch [18] AER 30–300 mg/24 h >300 mg/24 h sustained eGFR<60
Ninomiya [10] ACR 30–300 mg/gCr >300 mg/gCr >90, 60–89, <60 death as a result of kidney disease, requirement for dialysis or transplantation, or doubling of serum creatinine to >200 µmol/L death as a result of coronary heart disease or cerebrovascular disease Heart/Brain
Groop [19] AER 20–200 µg/min >200 µg/min
de Boer [20] ACR ≥30 mg/gCr ≥60, <60 death from coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, sudden cardiac death, or stroke Heart/Brain
Vlek [6] ACR >3 mg/mmol >60, ≤60 Vascular death, Stroke, Myocardial infarction Heart/Brain
Luk [21] ACR 2.5–30 mg/mmol (women) 3.5–30 mg/mmol (men) >30 mg/mmol ICD-9 code 250.4, 585, 586 ICD-9 procedure code 39.95 (hemodialysis), 54.98 (peritoneal dialysis)
Tong [22] ACR 3.5–25 mg/mmol ≥25 mg/mmol eGFR halving, eGFR <15 ml/min/1.73 m2, death as a result of renal causes or need for dialysis
Bruno [23] AER 20–200 µg/min >200 µg/min ≥60, <60 ICD code 390–459 Heart/Brain
Roy [24] AER 20–200 µg/min >200 µg/min
So [25] ACR 3.5–25 mg/mmol ≥25 mg/mmol >3.5 mg/mmol >90, 60–89, 30–59, 15–29 Reduction in eGFR by 50% or progression to eGFR 15 ml/min/1.73 m2 (stage 5) or renal dialysis or death secondary to renal causes
Retnakaran [26] spot 50–299 mg/L ≥300 mg/L Creatinine clearance ≤60 ml/min per 1.73 m2
Xu [27] ACR ≥30, <300 mg/gCr ≥300 mg/gCr definite fatal MI, definite sudden death due to CHD, definite or possible fatal CHD, definite or possible fatal stroke, definite or possible fatal CHF, and other fatal CVD Heart/Brain
Yuyun [28] AER 30–300 mg/24 h >300 mg/24 h
Bruno [29] AER 20–200 ug/min >200 ug/min ESRD (need for dialysis) or chronic renal failure
Jude [30] PER Urine protein ≥0.5 g/24 h from death certificates Heart/Brain
Ostgren [31] qualitative Specific microalbumiuria dipstick positive
Stehouwer [32] AER 30–299 mg/24 h ≥300 mg/24 h
Gerstein [33] ACR >2.0 mg/mmol exclude dipstick–positive proteinuria
de Grauw [34] spot 20–200 mg/L >200 mg/L
Florkowski [35] spot ≥50 mg/l
Casiglia [36] AER 30–300 mg/24 h >300 mg/24 h >60, ≤60 from the hospital of physicians’ files Heart/Brain
Valmadrid [37] qualitative Agglutination inhibition assay positive,and reagent strip negative Urine protein ≥0.3 g/L ICD9 codes 402, 404, 410–414, 428, 430–438 Heart/Brain
Hänninen [38] AER ≥20 µg/min
Mattock [39] AER 20–200 µg/min UAER >200 µg/min from death certificates Heart
Beilin [40] spot 30–300 mg/L ≥300 mg/L ICD9 codes 390 to 458, 410 to 414 Heart/Brain
Rossing [41] AER 31–299 mg/24 h ≥300 mg/24 h from death certificate Heart/Brain
Gall [42] AER 30–299 mg/24 h AER ≥300 mg/24 h from death certificates Heart/Brain
Neil [43] spot 40–200 mg/L UAC >200 mg/L

Urine measurement method: ACR, albumin creatinine ratio; AER, albumin excretion rate; PER, protein excretion rate; spot, spot urinary albumin concentration; qualitative, qualitative detection of albumin in urine.


Definition of CV disease: Heart, ischemic heart disease; Brain, cerebrovascular disease.