Fig 4. APP processing is not significantly altered in mIFNγ expressing P2→5 month old TgCRND8 mice.
A-B. Representative anti CT20 immunoblot depicting APP levels in mIFNγ expressing P2→5 month old TgCRND8 and age-matched control mice (A). Intensity analysis of anti CT20 immunoreactive APP bands normalized to β-actin reveal no significant changes in APP levels in mIFNγ expressing TgCRND8 mice compared to age-matched controls (B). n=4/group.
C-D. Representative immunoblot showing CTFα (anti-CT20) and CTFβ (anti-82E1) levels in P2→5 month old TgCRND8 mice expressing mIFNγ or EGFP (C). Intensity analysis of CTFα and CTFβ bands normalized to β-actin reveal no significant changes in P2→5 month old TgCRND8 mice expressing mIFNγ compared to age-matched controls (D). n=3/group.
E-F. Representative anti CT20 immunoblot showing APP or CTFα levels in mIFNγ expressing 4→5.5 month old TgCRND8 mice and age-matched controls (E). Intensity analysis of APP and CTFα levels normalized to β-actin show no significant changes in 4→5.5 month old TgCRND8 mice expressing mIFNγ compared to age-matched controls (F). n=5/group.