Hypothetical model of how BRR and RLPV may be involved in perpetuating presumptions. A: Exposure to such phrases as “breakfast is the most important meal of the day” may predispose individuals to believe positive things about breakfast because of the “halo effect” (58). B: The RLPV related to the PEBO may augment this predisposition to believe the PEBO through the “mere exposure effect,” (59) particularly when the research is presented in a biased manner (eg, in the presence of BRR). C: Individuals tend to seek out information confirming their point of view and reject information to the contrary (confirmation bias) to prevent or reduce cognitive dissonance (60), thereby retaining a biased sample of information. D. A hypothetical illustrative graph of the comparison of strength of conviction compared with the strength of existing evidence supporting the PEBO. E: Together, these cognitive biases may predispose researchers to bias their research reporting, which, thereby, would feed the cycle. BRR, biased research reporting; PEBO, proposed effect of breakfast on obesity; RLPV, research lacking probative value.