Figure 6.
Nups are not detected near the base of the cilium. (A) IMCD3 cells were stained with anti-Nup monoclonal antibody mAb414 and an anti-ninein antibody to mark the base of the cilium. Insets show enlarged view of cilium, and arrowheads point to the base of the cilium, where no mAb414 staining is seen. (B) Nup133, Nup35, and Nup37 fused to GFP were transfected into IMCD3 cells for 48 h before processing for immunofluorescence. (right) All tested Nups localize efficiently to NPCs, as seen by spotted circles in midnuclear focal sections. (left) The centrioles and basal bodies were visualized with ninein and cilia stained with acetylated tubulin. Insets show enlarged views of cilia, and arrowheads point to the base of cilia, where no concentration of GFP signal is observed (middle). Bars: (main images) 5 µm; (insets) 1 µm.