Figure 2. Illustration of the expected relationship between stable isotope values of a predator and its’ prey in mixing space [27,28], employing the Bayesian approach of Jackson et al. [29], centered on multivariate ellipse based metrics.
In choosing discrimination factor (∆15N and ∆13C) values, it would be expected that the δ15N and δ13C values of the predator after adjustment to specific ∆15N and ∆13C values should overlay or fall within the range of δ15N values of the PP it consumes (see Table 2), indicating a best-fit scenario between predator and prey [ellipses represent prey (black) and predator (gray) respectively]. Black points represent δ13C and δ15N values of a predator, gray points (light and dark) represent adjusted-δ13C and adjusted-δ15N values with two different ∆15N and ∆13C values. White shapes represent mean (± variance) of prey species.