TEN1 facilitates replication restart and prevents the accumulation of anaphase bridges.
A, EdU incorporation by HeLa clones without HU treatment (left) or after release from HU (right). Blue, DAPI; green, EdU. Scale bars are indicated. B, quantification of EdU incorporation as measured by fluorescence intensity of individual nuclei. The mean level of EdU incorporation was determined for each sample, and the data are expressed as the fractions of EdU incorporated by HU-treated cells relative to untreated cells of the same type (+HU/−HU). The (+HU/−HU) ratio for the shNT of each cell type was set at 1 (n = 3, means ± S.D.). C, quantification of anaphase bridges observed after release of HeLa shNT, shTEN1–5, or shTEN1–5R from nocodazole (mean of n = 2, error bars show maximum/minimum values). D, examples of an anaphase bridge without telomeric signal (left panel) and with telomeric signal (right panel) are shown. Blue, DAPI; red, Cy3-(C3TA2)3 probe. Scale bars are indicated. E, quantification of anaphase bridges with telomere signal by whole cell FISH (means ± S.D., n = 3).