Proteolytic activity of B. cenocepacia ΔatsT, ΔatsRΔatsT atsRΔRD+, ΔatsRΔcepIΔatsT atsRΔRD+, ΔatsRΔatsT atsRD536A+, and ΔatsRΔcepIΔatsT atsRD536A+.
A, atsT was deleted from B. cenocepacia K56-2 ΔatsR atsRΔRD+, ΔatsRΔcepI atsRΔRD+, ΔatsR atsRD536A+, and ΔatsRΔcepI atsRD536A+ backgrounds. Mutants were tested on D-BHI milk agar plates. The plates shown are representatives of three experiments performed in triplicate. Zones of clearing around the colonies were measured at 48 h of incubation at 37 °C. B, atsT was deleted from B. cenocepacia K56-2 ΔcepI background, and the resulting strain was complemented with either atsT or atsTD208A at the chromosomal level. Mutants were tested on D-BHI milk agar plates. The plates shown are representatives of three experiments performed in triplicate. C, values are the average radius in millimeters of three experiments performed in triplicate.