SANS of F6-DigluM and validation of SANS strategy. A, Guinier plot of F6-DigluM (10 mg/ml) in 0% (triangles) or 100% D2O (squares). B and C, scattering curves, before buffer subtraction, of F6-DigluM (17.6 mg/ml; B, triangles) and hFhuA (4.5 mg/ml; C, triangles) in F6-DigluM (8 mg/ml free micelles from AUC), measured in 46% D2O buffer, compared with the scattering curve of the 46% D2O buffer (squares in B and C) and dFhuA in F6-DigluM (circles in B and C). dFhuA was at 4.6 (B) and 0.8 (C) mg/ml, and AUC estimated 9 (B) and 2.3 (C) mg/ml free micelles. Insets, enlargements of the buffer curves.