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. 2012 Jul 5;22(4):370–374. doi: 10.2188/jea.JE20110101

Table 2. Prevalence of Fabry disease by Japanese region, based on the number of beneficiaries identified from clinical research data as part of the Specified Disease Treatment Research Program and Japanese population data (2005 census).

  Males Females Total

Region of Japan Number Prevalencea Standardized
Number Prevalencea Standardized
Number Prevalencea Standardized
Hokkaido 1 0.04 0.12b 1 0.03 0.18b 2 0.04 0.15b
Tohoku 23 0.50 1.64b 13 0.26 1.45 36 0.37 1.57b
Kanto 69 0.33 1.00 43 0.21 1.15 112 0.27 1.06
Koshinetsu/ Hokuriku 20 0.48 1.58 10 0.23 1.28 30 0.35 1.47
Tokai 27 0.36 1.14 20 0.26 1.49 47 0.31 1.27
Kinki 21 0.21 0.66b 9 0.08 0.47b 30 0.14 0.59b
Chugoku 9 0.24 0.81 3 0.08 0.43b 12 0.16 0.66
Shikoku 6 0.31 1.03 6 0.28 1.56 12 0.29 1.24
Kyushu 22 0.32 1.02 12 0.15 0.87 34 0.23 0.95

Total 198 0.32   117 0.18   315 0.25  

aPer 100 000 individuals in 2005.

bSignificantly higher or lower (P < 0.05).