Table 1.
Gene expression profile of ECs under positive WSSG relative to negative WSSG*
Symbol | Description | Expression Ratio (log2) | Adjusted P Value |
ECM and Adhesion | |||
ADAMTS1 | ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif, 1 | +1.00 | 0.018 |
VCAM1 | Vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 | −1.39 | 0.012 |
BMP4 | Bone morphogenetic protein 4 | −1.21 | 0.029 |
WISP2 | WNT1 inducible signaling pathway protein 2 | −1.11 | 0.016 |
THBS1 | Thrombospondin 1 | −1.09 | 0.021 |
Ligands | |||
CXCL5 | Chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 5 | −1.77 | 0.049 |
CCL26 | Chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 26 | −1.75 | 0.018 |
CCL2 | Chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 2 | −1.59 | 0.009 |
CSF2 | Colony stimulating factor 2 (granulocyte-macrophage) | −1.56 | 0.013 |
TTR | Transthyretin | −1.34 | 0.018 |
CSF1 | Colony stimulating factor 1 (macrophage) | −1.08 | 0.029 |
Receptors | |||
PROCR | Protein C receptor, endothelial | +1.64 | 0.016 |
EMR3 | EGF-like module-containing mucin-like receptor 3 | +1.53 | 0.039 |
PTPRR | Protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, R | +1.07 | 0.033 |
RTP4 | Receptor (chemosensory) transporter protein 4 | −1.08 | 0.031 |
Enzymes | |||
NCEH1 | Neutral cholesterol ester hydrolase 1 | +1.22 | 0.007 |
DCK | Deoxycytidine kinase | +1.03 | 0.021 |
TOP2A | Topoisomerase (DNA) II alpha 170 kDa | +1.00 | 0.018 |
DHRS3 | Dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR family) member 3 | −1.07 | 0.016 |
Other | |||
CKAP2 | Cytoskeleton associated protein 2 | +1.29 | 0.033 |
SMC2 | Structural maintenance of chromosomes 2 | +1.16 | 0.014 |
HSPH1 | Heat shock 105 kDa/110 kDa protein 1 | +1.15 | 0.039 |
SMC4 | Structural maintenance of chromosomes 4 | +1.11 | 0.018 |
CENPF | Centromere protein F, 350/400 kDa (mitosin) | +1.07 | 0.047 |
GAS2 | Growth arrest-specific 2 | −1.34 | 0.033 |
FABP4 | Fatty acid binding protein 4, adipocyte | −1.26 | 0.023 |
TAGLN | Transgelin | −1.24 | 0.021 |
FBXO32 | F-box protein 32 | −1.22 | 0.015 |
RPRM | Reprimo, TP53 dependent G2 arrest mediator candidate | −1.20 | 0.012 |
PDLIM4 | PDZ and LIM domain 4 | −1.20 | 0.012 |
LOC539374 | Similar to Family with sequence similarity 43, member A | −1.19 | 0.016 |
NOV | Nephroblastoma overexpressed | −1.16 | 0.042 |
FABP5 | Fatty acid binding protein 5 (psoriasis-associated) | −1.14 | 0.031 |
CD14 | CD14 molecule | −1.12 | 0.046 |
H4 | Histone H4 | −1.05 | 0.019 |
PRUNE2 | Prune homolog 2 (Drosophila) | −1.02 | 0.027 |
Significantly enriched or depleted genes were identified between endothelial cells (ECs) exposed to positive wall shear stress gradient (WSSG) and negative WSSG and subdivided into functional categories based on Gene Ontology (GO)-based molecular function annotations. ECM, extracellular matrix.