Fig. 1.
Effect of temperature (Temp) on basal and osmotically (Osm) stimulated vasopressin (VP) and oxytocin (OT) release from explants of the hypothalamo-neurohypophyseal system. Increasing Temp (C) resulted in an 800 and 400% increase in VP (A) and OT (B) release (P < 0.0001). Simultaneously increasing temperature and osmolality (Temp+Osm; C) further increased release, although the effect on VP release just missed statistical significance (B: OT, P = 0.0012; A: VP, P = 0.06). Control, no change in Temp or Osm. n = 5/group. In these studies, hormone release in response to an increase in temperature or osmolality is expressed as percentage of the basal release for each explant. Mean basal release for these explants was the following: Control, 119 ± 20 pg/ml (VP), 164 ± 52 pg/ml (OT); Increase in Temp, 140 ± 61 pg/ml (VP), 207 ± 43 pg/ml (OT); Increase in Temp and Osm, 63 ± 15 pg/ml (VP), 151 ± 58 pg/ml (OT).