Neutron reflectivity (plotted as log10R) as a function of momentum transfer (Q) for surface-deposited 7:3 d-POPC/POPS
(left) and 85:15 d-POPC/CL (right) phospholipid bilayers.
The lines correspond to the fit of the multilayer models presented
in Table 1 (fitting parameters in Table S1
of the Supporting Information). The reflectivity
was measured for three degrees of solvent deuteration: D2O (red circles, top curve), CMSi (green triangles, bottom curve),
and H2O (blue squares, middle curve). The deviation at
low Q for CMSi originates from the instrumental setup
and was disregarded during the modeling. Data in CMSi and H2O are offset in log(R) by −2 and −1,
respectively, for the sake of clarity. The insets show the resulting
SLD profiles as a function of distance from the silicon substrate.