A CuII binding titration of NKB monitored
by circular dichroism. (A) Titration of NKB (77.5 μM, 30 mM
SDS, 10 mM nEM, pH 7.6) with CuIICl2 monitored
between 400 and 700 nm. (B) Titration of NKB (77.5 μM, 30 mM
SDS, 10 mM nEM, pH 8.7) with CuIICl2 monitored
between 400 and 700 nm. (C) Molar ellipticity at 490 and 570 nm at
pH 7.6 (■) and pH 8.7 (▼) plotted as a function of CuII equivalents highlights saturation at 0.5 equiv of CuII.