Figure 6.
The occupancy of Gcn5 and induction of H3 acetylation at the MFA2 promoter is partially dependent on Htz1. (A) Gcn5 expression in wild-type and the htz1Δ mutant. Gcn5 was detected with anti-Myc antibodies and Cy5 conjugated anti-mouse IgG secondary antibodies in GCN5-myc strains. The expression levels were normalized against those of Actin. (B) ChIP analysis of the occupancy of Gcn5 was performed with anti-Myc antibodies in GCN5-myc strains. The levels of Gcn5 binding at MFA2 was normalized against those at the HMRa1 locus, and then presented as the fold change relative to the mock irradiated sample in wild type. (C) ChIP analysis of Histone H3 acetylation (H3-Ac) was performed using Ac-H3 (K9, K14) antibodies. The H3 acetylation levels were first normalized against the H3 levels, and then presented as the fold change relative to the mock irradiated sample in wild type. −UV: mock irradiated samples; 0: cells received 100 J/m2 of UV without repair; 0.5 h repair or 1 h repair: cells were irradiated with UV and then were allowed to repair in YPD for the number of hours indicated. Data are the average of at least three independent experiments ± SD.