Figure 7.
Rad14 binding to damaged DNA after UV treatment is enhanced by Htz1. Rad14 immunoprecipitation was performed with anti-Myc antibodies in RAD14-myc strains. Quantitative expression of Rad14 was determined with anti-Myc antibodies and Cy5 conjugated anti-mouse IgG secondary antibodies in RAD14-myc strains. (A) CPD content in DNA (10 ng) from UV mock treated, UV treated and Rad14 immunoprecipitated samples, as detected by the slot-blot assay. The amount of DNA was measured by a Nanodrop. (B) Rad14 expression in wild-type and the htz1Δ cells. (C) Rad14 expression in wild-type cells before and after UV irradiation. The quantitative levels of Rad14 expression in (B) and (C) were normalized against those of Actin. (D) The binding of Rad14 to the MFA2 promoter and the HMRa1 inner sequence. In (D), the level of Rad14 binding is present as the fold change relative to those from the untagged strain. Quantitative data are the average of at least three independent experiments ± SD.