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. 2013 Aug 2;5(9):1415–1430. doi: 10.1002/emmm.201302618

Figure 1. Distinct regional differences in uterine vascular features during early pregnancy.

Figure 1

  • A. Image showing CD31+ blood vessels (BVs) and GFP+ embryo in the uterus at 8.5 dpc. Dotted-line divides the mid-sectioned uterus into the mesometrial region (MR) and anti-mesometrial region (AMR). The MR is subdivided into the central region (CTR) and uterine lumen region (ULR). VSF, vascular sinus folding. Scale bar, 500 µm.
  • B–F. Images showing CD31+ uterine BVs. Sprouting (B, arrows), variable-sized VSF (C) and intussusceptive pillar (D, white arrowheads) are frequently present in the MR, whereas fine vascular network (E) and PH3+ proliferating ECs (F, yellow arrowheads) are present in the AMR at 6.5 dpc. Scale bars, 50 µm.
  • G, H. Scanning electron micrographs showing vascular lumens (VL) without and with abundant intussusceptive pillars (arrowheads) in the MR at 6.5 dpc. Scale bars, 5 µm.
  • I, J. Comparisons of numbers of vascular sprouts and intussusceptions in the uterine endometrium of the estrus stage of non-pregnancy (ENP), and the CTR and AMR at 6.5 dpc. Each group, n = 5–6. *p < 0.002 versus ENP.; #p < 0.001 versus MR by unpaired t test.
  • K. Comparisons of number of PH3+/CD31+ proliferative ECs in the uterine endometrium of the ENP, and the MR and AMR at 6.5 dpc in a given area (cm2). Each group, n = 5–6 *p < 0.0003 versus ENP; #p = 0.0014 versus MR by unpaired t test.
  • L, M. Comparisons of CD31+ BV densities (BVD, %) in the AMR and numbers of different sized VSFs in the MR at ENP, and 4.5, 6.5, and 8.5 dpc. Each group, n = 5–6. *p < 0.02 versus ENP.; #p < 0.02 versus 4.5 dpc by one-way ANOVA.