Figure 5. The effect of PTP1B deletion on short term high-fat diet-induced ER stress in skeletal muscle.
Representative Western blots (a) and densitometric analysis (n = 6) of PTP1B (b), GRP78 (c), phospho- and total-eIF2α (p-eIF2α and t-eIF2α, respectively) (d), and phospho- and total-JNK2 (p-JNK and t-JNK, respectively) (e), p62 (f), and NCK1 (g) protein levels in gastrocnemius muscles of the C57 or PTP1BKO mice received normal (ND) or high-fat content (HFD) diets for 3 weeks. * p<0.05 compared with C57 ND mice, † p<0.05 compared with C57 HFD mice.