Figure 1.
Top Panel) Responding maintained by pramipexole (0.01, 0.032, 0.1, or 0.32 mg/kg/inj), or saline under an FR1TO5.5-sec:FR1TO5.5-sec schedule of reinforcement during a 7-day substitution from cocaine (0.56 mg/kg/inj). Data represent the mean (± S.E.M.), n=6, number of nosepoke responses that resulted in cocaine injections paired with stimuli, or pramipexole injections paired with the stimuli that were previously paired with cocaine delivery (CS) during daily 90 min sessions. #, p<0.05; *, p<0.05; **, p<0.01; ***,p<0.001; +++, p<0.001. Significant differences in nosepoke responding maintained by pramipexole [0.01(#), 0.1(*), or 0.32(+) mg/kg/inj] and saline were determined by two-way ANOVA with post-hoc Bonferroni tests. Middle Panel) Dose-response curve for pramipexole-maintained responding. Data represent the mean (± S.E.M.), n=6, number of reinforced responses made during the 7th day of substitution from cocaine (0.56 mg/kg/inj). **, p<0.01; ***,p<0.001. Significant differences in nosepoke responding from saline were determined by one-way ANOVA with post-hoc Newman-Keuls tests. Bottom Panel) Responding maintained by 0.1 mg/kg/inj pramipexole during a 13-day substitution from 0.56 mg/kg/inj cocaine. Filled symbols represent nosepoke responses (filled circles) that resulted in the delivery of pramipexole in conjunction with presentation of the CS and lever presses (filled squares) that resulted in presentation of the NvlS. Open symbols represent nosepoke responses (open circles) that resulted in the delivery of pramipexole and an un-signaled 5.5-sec TO, and lever presses (open squares) that resulted in an un-signaled 5.5-sec TO. **, p<0.01; ***,p<0.001; ++, p<0.01; +++,p<0.001. Significant differences in nosepoke (*) or lever (+) responding as compared with nosepoke or lever responding during day 3 of the substitution were determined by one-way ANOVA with post-hoc Newman-Keuls tests.