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. 2013 Sep 3;(328):5–45. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.328.5763
1 Promerite with parallel margins, apically regularly rounded, without lateral incision (Fig. 43); mesomerite distally expanded into a subrectangular apical plate, concave and mesally incised (Fig. 44) Ommatoiulus sempervirilis
Promerite with at least one lateral or apical incision (Figs 2, 7, 14, 20, 32, 45, 47, 49, 51); mesomerite different 2
2 Mesomerite (Ms) apically expanded and bifurcated (Figs 16, 46) 3
Mesomerite (Ms) apically narrowed and simple (Figs 3, 9, 24, 33, 48, 50, 53) 4
3 Mesomerite (Ms) hammer-shaped (Fig. 46), bifurcated into long asymmetrical processes; promerite (Fig. 45) broad, with a complex distal process, apically bearing two blunt bumps, a pointed process and a lateral serrated lamella Ommatoiulus malleatus
Mesomerite (Ms) horn-shaped (Fig. 16), bifurcated into short and curved processes; promerite (Fig. 14) apically with three lobes separated by deep incisions Ommatoiulus kefi sp. n.
4 Promerite gradually narrowing distally, lateral incision shallow to moderately deep; mesal ridge sometimes protruding in a serrated subapical process (se) (Figs 2, 32, 47); paracoxite (Px) without conspicuous marginal serrations (Figs 5, 34, 48, 50) 5
Promerite strongly narrowing distally, lateral incision deep; mesal ridge protruding in a blunt subapical process (Figs 7, 20, 51); paracoxite (Px) broad, lamellar, folded, with strong marginal serrations (Figs 8, 22, 52) 10
5 Mesomerite (Ms) slender, sinuous and strongly curved distally; solenomerite (S) with a long distal process (ds) lodging the seminal groove (Fig. 48) Ommatoiulus seurati
Mesomerite (Ms) broad, distally narrowing; solenomerite (S) with a shorter distal process lodging the seminal groove (Figs 3, 33, 50) 6
6 Mesomerite (Ms) with irregular margins, apically strongly narrowed and hook-shaped; solenomerite (S) with a short distal process (ds) (Figs 37, 50) 7
Mesomerite (Ms) with a regular mesal margin, distally gradually narrowed into a bent folded process; solenomerite (S) with a longer distal process (ds) (Figs 3, 33) 8
7 Mesomerite with a subapical serrated lateral process, a truncated mesal margin, apically strongly narrowed into a small hook-shaped process (Fig. 50); promerite with a shallow lateral incision and a rounded distal process (Fig. 49) Ommatoiulus fuscounilineatus
Mesomerite with a subapical lateral process (Figs 37, 39), apically gradually narrowed in a long curved process (Fig. 39); promerite with a deeper lateral incision and a broad distal process with apical and lateral lobes (Fig. 36) Ommatoiulus zaghouani sp. n.
8 Promerite straight, bearing a pointed distal process (Fig. 27); paracoxite stout and shorter (Fig. 30) Ommatoiulus xenos sp. n.
Promerite strongly bent anteriad, bearing a subapical serrated process (Figs 1, 31); paracoxite broad and elongate (Figs 5, 34) 9
9 Solenomerite (S) with a rounded notch (n), a pointed process (pr) and apically a wrinkled protruding lamella (Fig. 5); promerite with a subtriangular apex (Fig. 2) Ommatoiulus chambiensis sp. n.
Solenomerite (S) without such a process; wrinkled lamella not protruding (Fig. 33); promerite with a globular apex (Fig. 32) Ommatoiulus xerophilus sp. n.
10 Lateral incision of promerite extending basad, distal process broad and triangular (Fig. 20); mesomerite (Ms) distally strongly narrowed, without subapical serrations on lateral margin, paracoxite (Px) slender (Fig. 22) Ommatoiulus khroumiriensis sp. n.
Lateral incision of promerite not extending basad, distal process slenderer and more rounded (Figs 7, 51); mesomerite (Ms) with lateral subapical serrations, paracoxite (Px) broader (Figs 12, 53) 11
11 Apical process of promerite (ap) bulgy, with a lobed process (ap1) on tip (Fig. 7); mesomerite (Ms) with strong subapical mesal serrations (Fig. 8); paracoxite (Px) broadened distally with truncated apex (Fig. 12) Ommatoiulus crassinigripes
Apical process of promerite slender, without a lobed process; mesomerite (Ms) without mesal serrations (Fig. 52); paracoxite (Px) distally narrowed, with rounded apex (Fig. 53) Ommatoiulus punicus