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. 2013 Sep 20;(333):45–54. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.333.6122
1 Rostrum more or less subisodiametric. Head and rostrum punctate or punctulate, never strigose. Scape straight to moderately curved. Antennal club fusiform. Pronotum punctate or punctulate. Elytral declivity not overhanging apex. At least one pair of tibiae mucronate in males. Endophallus with visible spines, teeth or other sclerites. Length usually more than 3 mm Laparocerus
Rostrum very transverse, less than 0.75× as long as wide. Head and rostrum with dense longitudinal strigosity. Scape bisinuate. Antennal club shortly oval. Pronotum granulate. Elytral declivity overhanging apex. All tibiae lacking mucro in both sexes. Endophallus devoid of visible sclerites. Length less than 3 mm Moreiba