Figure 4.
Model tested with both strategy change and self-efficacy change as predictors of memory gain. ActiveEng = active engagement; INT-MEM = intercept for memory; INT-SES = intercept for self-efficacy; INT-STR = intercept for strategy use; SLO-MEM = slope for memory gain; SLO-SES = slope for self-efficacy gain; SLO-STR = slope for gain in strategy usage. Ses1 and Ses9 are self-efficacy scores for week 1 and week 9, respectively. Str1, Str5, and Str9 are name recall strategy scores for week 1, week 5, and week 9, respectively. Mem1, Mem5, and Mem9 are name recall test scores for week 1, week 5, and week 9, respectively. This model showed strong fit to the name recall data as reported here. *p < .05. **p < .001.