Figure 3.
The endophilin SH3 domain directly interacts with several SH3 domain-binding sites within Lamellipodin. (A–D) Far western overlay of different GST-Lpd truncation mutants (see Figure 2A) or GST control using (A) MBP-Endo1-SH3 domain, (B) MBP-Endo2-SH3 domain, (C) MBP-Endo3-SH3 domain, and (D) MBP only. A representative blot of three independent experiments is shown. (E) Table shows SH3 domain binding motifs in the Lpd sequence identified in the SPOTS scan peptide array overlaid with MBP-Endo2-SH3 domain. For detailed results, see Supplementary Figure S2.