Table 1.
Effect of psychostimulants on brain structure in ADHD
Reference | Subjects N | Sex | Age Range (mean) | Design | Measure | ROIs | Principal Findings | Summary of Medication Effects |
Children + Adolescents | ||||||||
Bledsoe et al., 200927 | 18 ADHD-RX 13 ADHD-TN 15 HC |
M/F | (11) |
area | Total Verm, Ant Verm, Post Sup Verm, Post InfVerm |
RX associated with normalization of Post InfVerm, no other ROIs were smaller in ADHD-TN |
Castellanos et al., 200226 | 103 ADHD-RX 49 ADHD-TN 139 HC |
M/F | 4–19 (10) |
volume | TCV, TGM, TWM, FGM, PGM, TeGM, OGM, FWM, PWM, TeWM, OWM, Cau, Cblm |
RX associated with WM normalization, but no effect in TCV, or in GM volumes including Cblm and Cau |
Pliszka et al., 200624 | 16 ADHD-RX 14 ADHD-TN 21 HC |
M/F | 9–15 (13) |
volume | Cau, ACC |
RX associated with right ACC normalization, but no effect in Cau |
Schnoebele n et al., 201023 | 12 ADHD-RX 13 ADHD-TN 15 HC |
M/F | 9–16 (13) |
volume | Overall CC, 5 subregions including Genu, Splenium |
RX history associated with subtle attenuation of reduced splenium volume reported previously |
Shaw et al., 200922 | 19 ADHD-RXnc 24 ADHD-RX 294 HC (template) |
M/F | 9–20 (T1: 13 T2: 16) |
cortical thickness | vertices across the whole cortex |
RX associated with normalized rate of change in thickness across several cortical regions |
Sobel et al., 201025 | 31 ADHD-RX 16 ADHD-TN 57 HC |
M/F | 7–18 (12) |
Cau, Put, GP |
RX associated with attenuation of BG surface deformations |
ABBREVIATIONS: ACC: Anterior cingulate cortex; ADHD-RX: ADHD subjects treated with a stimulant medication; ADHD-RXnc: ADHD subjects not currently treated with psychostimulants; ADHD-TN: Stimulant naïve ADHD subjects; Ant: Anterior; BG: Basal ganglia; Cau: Caudate; Cblm: Cerebellum; CC: Corpus Callosum; FGM: Frontal gray matter; FWM: Frontal white matter; GM: Gray matter; GP: Globus Pallidus; HC: Healthy control subjects; IFG: Inferior frontal gyrus; Inf: Inferior; MFG: Middle frontal gyrus; Occ: Occipital; OGM: Occipital gray matter; OWM: Occipital white matter; Par: Parietal; PGM: Parietal gray matter; Post: Posterior; PreCG: PrecentralGyrus; Put: Putamen; PWM: Parietal white matter; R: right; ROI: Region of interest; RX: Treatment; Sup: Superior; TCV: Total cerebral volume; TeGM: Temporal gray matter; TeWM: Temporal white matter; TGM: Total gray matter; TWM: Total white matter; TX: Treatment; Verm: Cerebellar Vermis; WM: White matter.