(A) CVB3 replication when CME components are depleted. Mean peak replication data +/−SEM, from 2 independent experiments with 6 replicates each was normalized with respect to cell viability and plotted as % of non-target siRNA treated cells. **: p<0.01
(B) PV and CVB3 replication when caveolins are depleted. Mean peak replication data +/−SEM from 2 independent experiments with 6 replicates each was normalized with respect to cell viability and plotted as % of non-target siRNA treated cells. **: p<0.01
(C) Plasma membrane cholesterol is stored in lipid droplets when CME components are depleted. Scale bar 5µm.
(D) Quantification of lipid droplets immunolabeled with anti-ADRP. Mean data +/−SEM from n=50 cells for each siRNA treatment is plotted.
(E) Steady state esterified cholesterol levels when CME components are depleted. Mean data +/− SEM of 3 independent experiments for each siRNA.
(F) Steady state free and esterified cholesterol levels when caveolins are depleted. Mean data +/− SEM of 3 independent experiments for each siRNA.
(G) Free cholesterol distribution when Cav 2 is depleted. Free cholesterol is labeled with filipin. Scale bar 5µm.
Figure 1 related to Figure S1 and Table S1.