Figure 1.
Provider-reported Methods of Monitoring Hydroxyurea.
A) Frequency of Laboratory Monitoring and Clinic Follow-up while Patients are Taking Hydroxyurea. B) Laboratory Parameters used to Determine Maximum Tolerated Dose of Hydroxyurea. Data for Figure 1B were derived from the following question: “How do you adjust hydroxyurea dosing? Choose ALL that apply”. Potential answers were: 1) Increase until maximum tolerated dose (Please indicate criteria used below. i.e. WBC, platelets, hemoglobin), 2) Until maximum dose reached (Please indicate the maximum mg/kg/day below), 3) Symptom relief.” Data depicted reflect providers' that selected answer number 1 above and indicated the specific criteria used to determine maximum tolerated dose. ANC=absolute neutrophil count; WBC=white blood cell; MCV=mean cell volume; Cr=creatinine;