Fig. 1. Induction of Phase II detoxication genes in mouse skin by SFN.
A. Epidermal extracts were assayed for reduced GSH content 24 h after the mice received various doses of SFN (left panel), applied topically in acetone, or at various times after receiving 5 µmol SFN (right panel). Each graph represents the mean and standard deviation of data from three mice per experimental group in three independent experiments. In all panels, asterisks indicate statistically significant differences from the acetone control, p<0.05. B. Epidermal extracts were assayed for GCLC and GCLM by immunoblotting 0, 12, 24 or 48 h after the mice received 5 µmol SFN; a representative immunoblot is shown. Both proteins were quantitated in the same gels. Data were normalized in each experiment to the level of tubulin seen in a duplicate gel, and data from three independent experiments are plotted in the right-hand panel. Open bars, GCLC; solid bars, GCLM. C. Epidermal extracts were assayed for GST-alpha and GSTA4 by immunoblotting 24 h after the mice received various doses of SFN (left panel); representative gels are shown. Data from three independent experiments were normalized to tubulin controls in the same gel and are presented in the right-hand panel. Open bars, GST-alpha; solid bars, GSTA4.