Figure 4.
(A) T2-weighted MRI of PEG-USPIO or Bcl-2-USPIO diluted with DI water, in tubes with increasing iron concentrations. (B) 1/T2 versus iron concentration of PEG-USPIO or Bcl-2-USPIO and analyzed by linear equation.a
Notes: a(PEG-USPIO: y =2.3236x + 2.3863, R2 =0.9879; Bcl-2-USPIO: y =1.0858x + 2.5726, R2 =0.9796).
Abbreviations: Bcl, B-cell lymphoma; Bcl-2-USPIO, Bcl-2-functionalized ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide; DI, deionized; Fe, iron; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; PEG-USPIO, polyethylene glycol-coated ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide.