Table III.
Dependent Variables: | Children less than five years old | At least one child less than five years old | At least one child less than one year old | Total number of children | At least one child |
Panel A: Alternative Sets of Control Variables | |||||
Additional controls: |
None (baseline specification) | −0.1023*** (0.0239) | −0.0529*** (0.0127) | −0.0330*** (0.0110) | −0.1554*** (0.0542) | −0.0381*** (0.0135) |
Health and health policy | −0.0691** (0.0276) {4.58} | −0.0531*** (0.0154) {7.50} | −0.0127 (0.0136) {3.23} | −0.1415*** (0.0577) {6.43} | −0.0385** (0.0179) {7.56} |
Education and race | −0.0990*** (0.0254) {4.85} | −0.0481*** (0.0139) {3.06} | −0.0302*** (0.0099) {4.91} | −0.1186** (0.0565) {4.66} | −0.0401*** (0.0136) {2.12} |
Agriculture | −0.1020*** (0.0300) {5.26} | −0.0487*** (0.0181) {4.02} | −0.0317** (0.0138) {4.91} | −0.2380*** (0.0670) {6.21} | −0.0494** (0.0190) {4.65} |
Religion | −0.0888*** (0.0270) {5.50} | −0.0496*** (0.0145) {2.49} | −0.0301** (0.0119) {5.54} | −0.1736*** (0.0612) {1.67} | −0.0505*** (0.0152) {0.50} |
All of the above | −0.1008*** (0.0330) {11.55} | −0.0456** (0.0175) {9.03} | −0.0090 (0.0134) {11.22} | −0.2501*** (0.0596) {14.29} | −0.0404* (0.0215) {9.44} |
Panel B: Results by Maternal Age | |||||
Age range of subsample: |
[15,20) | −0.0694*** (0.0238) [0.116] | −0.0479*** (0.0180) [0.095] | −0.0456*** (0.0106) [0.049] | −0.0705*** (0.0269) [0.135] | −0.0466** (0.0185) [0.102] |
[20,25) | −0.0634 (0.0537) [0.668] | −0.0339 (0.0298) [0.414] | −0.021 (0.0234) [0.170] | −0.0429 (0.0673) [0.889] | −0.0118 (0.0332) [0.458] |
[25,30) | −0.1566** (0.0679) [0.922] | −0.0682** (0.0324) [0.536] | −0.0441 (0.0273) [0.182] | −0.1939 (0.1279) [1.899] | −0.0952*** (0.0314) [0.670] |
[30,35) | −0.2119*** (0.0781) [0.836] | −0.0798** (0.0357) [0.516] | −0.0456* (0.0265) [0.151] | −0.1723 (0.1750) [2.661] | −0.0398 (0.0314) [0.744] |
[35,40) | −0.1439** (0.0700) [0.723] | −0.1048*** (0.0401) [0.455] | −0.0267 (0.0248) [0.130] | −0.5465** (0.2145) [3.284] | 0.0352 (0.0352) [0.793] |
[40,50) | −0.0073 (0.0412) [0.305] | −0.0033 (0.0274) [0.223] | −0.0061 (0.0131) [0.043] | −0.2286 (0.1462) [3.116] | −0.0451 (0.0322) [0.781] |
Notes: Each cell reports results from a separate regression. Reported are the estimated coefficients on the interactions of pre-eradication hookworm (c. 1910) with the post-period indicator (year=1920). The dependent variables are as indicated in the column headings. The row headings describe additional controls. All specifications include S.E.A. fixed effects as well as fully interacted sets of Age, Race, Region, and Year dummies. For Panel A, F-statistics for the added control sets are reported in curly brackets. For Panel B, the 1910 dependent-variable mean is provided in square brackets. Description of controls are provided in the data appendix. Standard errors (clustered on SEA) are reported in parentheses. Single asterisk denotes statistical significance at the 90% level of confidence, double 95%, triple 99%. Base sample consists of females in the IPUMS between the ages of 15 and 49 in the RSC-surveyed geographic units in 1910-1920.