Figure 3.
Specific binding and Scatchard plots of (−)-(125I)cyanopindolol (125ICYP) in whole spleen cells from rats treated with (a) Saline, (b) MO, (c) SMB, and (d) CFA. Spleen cells were incubated under equilibrium binding conditions at 37°C with 125ICYP (15.8–333 pM) for 60 min, then the reaction was stopped, and the radioactivity was quantified by gamma scintillation counting. Binding assays were run in duplicate. Specific binding (sites/cell) and inset Scatchard plots (bound/free) represent mean values obtained from 8 rats in each treatment group. (e)-(f). The mean density of β-AR (B max) expressed as sites/cell (e) and K D (f) on spleen cells from Saline-, MO-, SMB-, and CFA-treated rats. (e) The number of β 2-AR sites per splenocyte is significantly decreased in SMB- and CFA-treated rats compared with both Saline- and MO-treated rats. (f) The mean K D was increased in MO- and CFA-treated rats compared with rats treated with SMB. Mean values were calculated for the B max and K D determined from specific binding curves generated for each rat from each treatment group. Data are expressed as a mean B max or K D ± SEM with an n of 8 rats per treatment group. Statistics: one-way ANOVA with Bonferroni multiple comparison tests (*P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001).