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. 2013 Oct 23;8(10):e78510. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0078510

Table 2. Model comparisons for the different a priori hypotheses tested in this study.

ID model Hypothesis Variables pD REP DIC
4 distance to road (= distroad) land cover + distroad 20 85 1766
7 distroad x covar land cover + distroad + distroad:logging + distroad: woodlichen + distroad:water 23 74 1766
6 geog x covar land cover + X + Y + Y:logging + Y:lichen woodland + Y:water 24 71 1769
9 distroad x covar + climate x covar land cover + distroad + meanprec + meantemp + meantemp:logging + meantemp: lichen woodland + meantemp:water + distroad: lichen woodland + distroad:logging + distroad:water 28 61 1769
8 climate x covar land cover + meanprec + meantemp + meantemp: logging + meantemp: lichen woodland + meantemp:water 24 71 1795
  • Geographic

  • (= geog)

X + Y + land cover 21 80 1800
5 climate land cover + meanprec + meantemp 21 81 1801
2 land cover only land cover § 19 89 1803
1 intercept only intercept 9 201 2094

§ land cover = intercept + wildfire + logging + lichen woodland + bare land dominated by lichen +

water + wetlands + coniferous stands PC1 + coniferous stands PC2 + deciduous +

mixed deciduous (see Table 1 for a definition of variables)

X and Y represent the geographic coordinates of centroids for each 100 km2 cell.

Geographic-driven selection is represented by model IDs 3 and 6, climate-driven selection by model IDs 5 and 8, and selection that is driven by distance to roads is represented by model IDs 4 and 7. Interaction effects between two variables are indicated by a colon (:). The hypothesis of an additive effect of climate and distance to roads is represented by model ID 9. Variable names: pD = the number of effective parameters; REP = the mean number of data points for each effective parameter; and DIC = Deviance Information Criteria. See Table 1 for a description of variables.