Figure 2. TCL1-Tg:p53−/− mice had early onset of leukemia and increased CD5+/IgM+ B cells compared to TCL1-Tg mice.
A Flow cytometry analysis of PC cells from sex-matched different mouse strains collected at 4-month old of age (n=4 per indicated genotype), and quantitative bar graph shown on the right panel. *, p<0.05, **, p<0.01 between groups.
B Flow cytometry analysis of PC cells from sex-matched different mouse strains collected at 5-month old of age (n=4 per indicated genotype), and quantitative bar graph shown on the right panel. **, p<0.01 between groups.
C Flow cytometry analysis of splenocytes from sex-matched different mouse strains collected at 5-month old of age (n=4 per indicated genotype), and quantitative bar graph shown on the right panel. *, p<0.05, **, p<0.01 between groups.