Fig. 4.
scFv/TM M388L fusion protein is resistant to oxidant-induced suppression of APC generation. (A) MPO/NaI/H2O2 induced oxidative suppression of APC generation capability. Dotted line represents thrombin with protein C alone (without TM); *P < 0.005 versus scFv/TM M388L w/ MPO/NaI/H2O2. (B) Chloramine-T suppression of scFv/TM ability to stimulate APC generation by thrombin. Dotted line represents thrombin with protein C alone. For both (A) and (B), represented is the average of three independent experiments ± S.E.M.; *P < 0.004 vs. scFv/TM-M388L w/ chloramine-T.