Fig. 14.
Effect of DPFE on pharmaco-electroencephalographic oscillations. Effects of acute oral administration of vehicle: 20% HPBCD + Tween (row A), 10 mg/kg (row B), 30 mg/kg (row C), or 100 mg/kg (row D) of DPFE on pEEG relative spectral power in the frontal (left panels) and occipital (right panels) cortical regions in rats (n = 8 for each treatment group). Only effects on left hemispheric recordings are shown, as no clear differences were detected compared with the contralateral (right hemisphere) traces. Bar charts indicate average percentage changes from baseline for each EEG spectral band for eight consecutive 15-minute postadministration periods. Where δ:1.0–4.0 Hz; θ1: 4.0–6.5 Hz; θ2:6.5–8.0 Hz; α1:8.0–11.0 Hz; α2: 1.0–14.0 Hz; β1: 14.0–18.0 Hz; β2: 18.0–32.0 Hz; γ1: 32.0–48.0 Hz; γ2: 52.0–100 Hz. Values exceeding the 20% change line may be considered significantly different from vehicle (P < 0.05).