Fig 2.
Both V. cholerae infection and OCV induce significant V. cholerae antigen-specific ASC responses. (A) Cholera patients and OCV recipients demonstrated significant and comparable increases in CtxB-specific ASC responses in both the IgG and IgA isotypes. There was no significant IgM ASC response to CtxB. (B) Cholera patients and OCV recipients demonstrated significant increases in V. cholerae O1 LPS-specific ASC responses across all isotypes. Notably, V. cholerae antigen-specific ASC responses were not seen on day 21, after a second dose of OCV administered on day 14, suggesting that a second dose does not further boost ASC responses in a population from an area where cholera has historically been endemic. Significant differences (values of P ≤ 0.05 in brackets) between different time points or groups are shown.