Multiple UIM regions in ataxin-3 affect the same binding
in the parkin Ubl domain. Regions of the 1H–15N HSQC spectra for the 15N-labeled Ubl domain
titrated with (A) UIM_123, (B) UIM_12Δ3, and (C) UIM_1Δ23.
Identical residues that experienced chemical shift changes are labeled,
and arrows indicate the direction of the shift with increasing concentrations
of the different UIM constructs. The dotted arrow in spectrum C indicates
that R75 experiences a chemical shift visible at a lower contour level.
The concentrations of the 15N-labeled parkin Ubl domain
were 105, 100, and 40 μM for UIM_123, UIM_12Δ3, and UIM_1Δ23
experiments, respectively.