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. 2013 Sep 24;3(1):301–311. doi: 10.1159/000354190

Table 3.

All scale-individual between-groups ANOVAs and t tests

Test/subtest Direction Mean values1
ANOVA – Pr(>F) Magnitude of effect t tests, p value
group 1 group 2 group 3 group 1 vs. group 2 group 2 vs. group 3 group 1 vs. group 3
Verbal Fluency ⇑ = + 0.800 0.400 −2.833 0.0980 0.7180 0.1799 0.1262

Boston Naming ⇑ = + −0.25 −0.40 −0.80 0.3966 0.6526 0.3001 0.1810

MMSE ⇑ = + 0.25 0.20 −0.60 0.0483* 0.0944 0.9678 0.0311* 0.0472
0.1143 0.0965 −0.1879

Ten-Item Word Recall ⇑ = + −1.5 0.4 −1.0 0.4131 0.08042 0.3643 0.7556

Word List Recognition ⇑ = + 2.25 −1.60 1.00 0.2986 3.013e–6* 0.001296* 0.1238

Delayed Recall of Word List ⇑ = + 1.25 0.00 0.60 0.007401* 0.1237 0.01360* 0.1093 0.1879
0.3744 −0.3153 0.0158

Constructional Praxis ⇑ = + −1.0 0.2 0.0 0.1835 0.02061* 0.8047 0.1767

Delayed Recall of Praxis Items ⇑ = + 0.75 1.00 −0.20 0.005749* 0.1220 0.6955 0.000652* 0.1438
0.0374 0.2671 −0.3739

Trail Making Test A (numbers) ⇓ = + −5.5 28.0 −14.0 0.5466 0.00589* 0.0867 0.6997

Trail Making Test A (letters) ⇓ = + −67.5 −77.8 −20.0 0.006042* 0.1304 0.799 0.2107 0.09068*
−0.0730 −0.1296 0.1880
0.0730 0.1296 −0.1880

Trail Making Test B ⇓ = + −107 −179 −19 1.182e–5* 0.3661 0.1373 0.002446* 0.0002375*
−0.0304 −0.4141 0.4384
0.0304 0.4141 −0.4384

Word-Form Fluency ⇑ = + 2.75 0.60 0.40 0.01239* 0.1070 0.08721 0.8846 0.03451*
0.4648 −0.1576 −0.2156

Clock Drawing ⇑ = + 1.75 1.00 1.40 0.000644* 0.2084 0.0457* 0.5272 0.5769
0.1832 −0.1665 0.0110

Execution of Instructions ⇓ = + 0.5 0.0 0.4 0.1401 0.2030 0.07251 0.7861

Naming ⇓ = + −0.75 1.40 1.00 0.6618 4.647e–6* 0.2247 1.115e–5*

Verbal Production ⇓ = + −0.5 0.0 0.4 0.01116* 0.1104 0.03667* 0.04251* 0.0001533*
−0.7930 0.00 0.6344
0.7930 0.00 −0.6344

Verbal Comprehension ⇓ = + 0.0 −0.2 0.4 0.594 0.6013 0.1251 0.1974

Appropriate Word-Finding ⇓ = + −0.5 0.6 0.2 0.5321 0.01857* 0.1885 0.06899

Barthel Index ⇑ = + −1.00 2.00 −6.25 0.003964* 0.2338 0.02051* 1.153e–6* 2.538e–6*
0.1257 1.0059 −1.4145

IADL ⇑ = + −0.25 −0.40 −0.80 0.1152 0.6777 0.1866 0.2038

Münchner Lebensqualitäts ⇑ = + 17.5 −5.8 −4.8 0.02289* 0.0878 3.013e–5* 0.8883 0.00267*
Dimensionen Liste 0.6396 −0.2755 −0.2362

Self-Assessment ⇓ = + 19.25 13.20 52.00 0.2424 0.5385 0.006874* 0.00978*

External Assessment ⇓ = + 8.0 −12.5 25.4 0.2555 0.2500 0.02413* 0.3045

Patient Survey: Feelings ⇓ = + −1.0 −2.4 0.4 0.3198 0.5743 0.3088 0.5398

Patient Survey: Memory ⇓ = + −3.0 0.8 −0.4 0.1241 7.791e–5* 0.5382 0.1741

Patient Survey: Circumstances ⇓ = + −1.5 −0.8 −4.2 0.55 0.7435 0.1005 0.07753

Family Survey: Circumstances ⇓ = + −2.3 −1 4 5.081e–7* 0.9951 0.2339 2.480e–5* 2.692e–6*
−0.6498 −0.3601 0.7544
0.6498 0.3601 −0.7544

Family Survey: Memory ⇓ = + −2.0 2.4 2.2 2.974e–5* 0.5545 1.229e–5* 0.7626 4.594e–5*
−1.1953 0.8464 −0.4392
1.1953 −0.8464 0.4392

IADL ⇓ = + −1.75 0.00 2.40 0.006692* 0.2046 0.3291 0.03612* 0.02930*
−0.5413 −0.0917 0.5248
0.5413 0.0917 −0.5248

ADL ⇓ = + −1.25 −0.40 −0.80 0.5884 0.2666 0.592 0.4733

Mood ⇓ = + −1.5 1.6 2.4 2.070e–5 0.5818 0.00108* 0.2356 <0.001*
−0.2626 0.8770 1.1711
0.2626 −0.8770 −1.1711

Group 1 = ‘Focus group’; group 2 = ‘training group’; group 3 = controls. In the ANOVA and t test columns, all statistically significant results are printed with an asterisk.


Some fields contain 2 or 3 lines of values. The first line shows the group's mean value, the second line (in bold) shows the z-transformed mean value and the third line (also in bold) contains the direction of the analysis.

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