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. 2013 Sep 24;3(1):301–311. doi: 10.1159/000354190

Table 5.

Effect sizes (partial η2 of the ANOVAs)

Functional area Test η2 Aggr (η2)
Cognition I MMSE 0.0944 0.2206
Delayed Recall of Word List 0.1237
Delayed Recall of Praxis Items 0.1220
Clock Drawing 0.2084
Family Survey: Memory 0.5545

Cognition II Trail Making Test A (letters) 0.1304 0.2483
Trail Making Test B 0.3661

Language processing Word-Form Fluency 0.1070 0.1087
Verbal Production 0.1104

ADL/IADL Barthel Index 0.2338 0.2192
IADL 0.2046

Quality of life Münchner Lebensqualitäts Dimensionen Liste 0.0878 0.5549
Family Survey: Circumstances 0.9951
Mood 0.5818
HHS Vulnerability Disclosure