Fig. 1.
Expression of Pou2f3/Skn-1a in the SCCs in the Nasal Epithelia.
Single-label (A–C) and double-label (D–G) in situ hybridization of Pou2f3/Skn-1a and genes expressed in SCCs in coronal sections of mouse anterior nose. dor, dorsal; lat, lateral. B and C, Magnified views of the Pou2f3/Skn-1a mRNA signals in the respiratory epithelia (B) and non-neuronal epithelial cell layer of the vomeronasal organ (C). D-G, Signals of Pou2f3/Skn-1a mRNA (magenta) were observed in cells expressing Trpm5 (green, E and F) and Tas1r3 (green, G) in the anterior nasal epithelia. Scale bars, 100 μm in A and 50 μm in C and G.