Figure 9.
Effect of light on the steady-state expression of the genes encoding for sponge GNB-Trans (SDGNB-Trans), cryptochrome (SDCRYPTO), and nitric oxide synthase–interacting protein (NOSIP) (SDNOSIP-r). Six-day-old primmorphs, kept for the last 3 days in the dark, were exposed to light for 0, 1, 2, or 4 hr. Then, RNA was isolated and quantitative real-time PCR was used to determine the steady-state expression levels of SDGNB-Trans (closed bars), SDCRYPTO (hatched bars), SDNOSIP-r (open bars), and SDGAPDH. The latter ones were used as reference for normalization. Each data point represents the messenger RNA (mRNA) level of the respective expressed gene normalized to the amount of GAPDH transcripts, and results are means ± SD (five experiments per time point); p<0.05.