Fig. 1.
St3gal4 deficiency attenuates spontaneous intestinal inflammation in Il10−/− mice. (A) Microscopic analysis of colon sections from 6- and 14-wk-old Il10−/− and S3/I10−/− mice, stained with H&E. Representative images from three independent experiments. (Scale bar, 200 μm.) (B) Histological score based on evaluation of morphological changes of epithelium and immune cell infiltration. Six- and 14-wk-old Il10−/− and S3/I10−/− mice (n = 8–12) were analyzed. (C) Frequency of rectal prolapse in Il10−/− and S3/I10−/− mice. Il10−/− mice (n = 46) and S3/I10−/− mice (n = 63) were monitored over a period of 26 wk. The graph represents percentage of mice with rectal prolapse from the total number mice at the age of 10–12 wk and 24–26 wk, respectively. WT, wild-type mice; S3/I10−/−, St3g4−/−; Il10−/− mice; 6W, 6-wk-old mice; 14W, 14-wk-old mice.